Frequently Requested Forms
The Business Services and Support Division is committed to providing timely, efficient, and cost-effective services to support both internal and external customer needs with a primary focus on the needs of students in the Chula Vista Elementary School District.
Complaint Information Declaration Packet
We welcome constructive criticism of school policies, programs, or personnel when it is motivated by a sincere desire to improve the quality of the educational process. Constructive criticism assists schools and departments in becoming more effective.
In accordance with district policy, complaints will be categorized in one of the following four areas:
- Complaints concerning school personnel
- Complaints concerning instructional materials
- Uniform complaint procedures for programs or alleged acts of discrimination
- Williams uniform complaint procedures
To view or print a copy of the declaration packet in English or Spanish, download the appropriate file under Forms and Documents located at the bottom of this page. Board policies guide complainants as well as the district, regarding individual complaints. All complainants will be asked to document the nature of their complaint and file it under a specific complaint policy. Procedures, timelines, and legal guidelines are included in each policy. If any complainant requires assistance, staff will provide needed information, translation, and support to expedite the process.
Forms and Documents