Belief Statement about Multilingual English Learners
We believe all Multilingual English Learners can acquire English, achieve high academic success, and be college and career ready. This is a shared responsibility of all educators. All levels of the schooling system have a role to play in ensuring the access and achievement of our Multilingual English Learners. To carry out this mission, we emphasize the following principles:
- Social emotional learning
- Assets-based and inclusive instruction
- Collaborative learning and communication
- Rigorous and rich instruction with scaffolds
- Comprehensive ELD tied to content
- Data-driven decisions and monitoring
- Parent-community engagement
- Supportive systems
What is a Multilingual English Learner?
A multilingual English Learner is a student who lives in a
home where a language other than English is spoken and
is still developing academic proficiency in English reading,
writing, speaking, and listening.
How are Multilingual English Learners identified?
Upon enrollment in California public schools, parents are
required to complete a Home Language Survey to identify
languages spoken at home. If a language other than
English is specified, the student is tested for English
proficiency using the Initial English Language Proficiency
Assessments for California (ELPAC). Students who do not
score Initial Fluent Proficient on the assessment are
identified as Multilingual English Learners.
What is the goal?
The goal for all Multilingual English Learners is reclassification to fluent English proficiency. The District works collaboratively with parents to ensure all students meet reclassification criteria (EC Section 323(f))):
Criteria |
Proficiency Level |
English Language Proficiency |
ELPAC Overall Proficiency Level 4 |
Academic Achievement |
Grade level specific for Local Measures/Level Set reading and/or CAASPP ELA (see district criteria for each grade level |
Teacher Evaluation |
Teacher agrees the student is performing successfully in all academic areas and is Bridging level on the ELD report card |
Parent/Guardian Consultation |
Parent/Guardian agrees that reclassification is appropriate |
Services and Programs Offered
Multilingual English Learners receive comprehensive English Language Development (ELD) that
is standards-based and provided daily in whole group and
small group instruction. The focus is on both academic
and language proficiency as students work toward
- Dual Language Immersion
- Students become fluent in English and Spanish while
developing cross-cultural understanding. Both native
Spanish-speaking and English-speaking students can
become second language models as they work towards
becoming bilingual and biliterate.
- Structured English Immersion (SEI) - English Only Instruction
- All classroom instruction is provided in English with
curriculum and instruction designed for students who are
learning English.
Multilingual English Learner Master Plan
Our Multilingual English Learner Master Plan is aligned with the California English Learner Roadmap and was developed in collaboration with teachers, administrators, staff, and parents. The Master Plan is a framework and guide for the implementation of services and support for our Multilingual English Learners.
English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC)
Each spring, the Summative English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) measures students' progress in English language proficiency. The four areas assessed in English are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Information from the Summative ELPAC is used to identify language support needed for students to work towards reclassification. All students who are English learners in transitional kindergarten through twelfth grade will take the ELPAC every year as required by federal and state law.
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Parents of English learners are highly encouraged to join their school's ELAC to learn more about how they can support and advocate for their child.
Contact Us
- Lalaine Perez, Executive Director, Ext. 181501
- Patricia Pimentel, Coordinator, Ext. 181523
- Nancy Rojas, Coordinator, Ext. 181525
- Olvia (Angie) Amador, District Biliteracy Resource Teacher, Ext. 181506
- Reina Galvez, District Biliteracy Resource Teacher, Ext. 181552
Web Links and Resources