Peachjar Flyers
The Chula Vista Elementary School District utilizes an electronic distribution program for flyers called Peachjar. Only flyers from non-profit 501c3 organizations will be approved for electronic distribution and posted on our schools' Peachjar-related pages. The name on the 501c3 letter of determination must match the organizational name on the flyer and the name of the group submitting. Please allow 48-72 hours for district approval. Electronic distribution is part of the district's ongoing effort to be more environmentally friendly by reducing the number of paper copies.
To request approval, follow the steps below. Once approved, your flyer will be emailed to all parents and posted online.
Register as an Enrichment / Community Org (account type)
Upload flyer for approval
Please note, Peachjar charges a fee for this service that is typically much less than the cost of copying and delivering paper flyers to each school. If you are a parent group at one of our schools, these instructions do not apply.
Paper Copies
Outside organizations can make a small stack of paper flyers available, but they will need to have it uploaded and approved by Peachjar before doing so. Once the flyer is uploaded to Peachjar and appears on school websites, it will act as approval. The organization can then give the flyers to the school office, which will be available at or near the front counter. Teachers or staff will no longer provide paper copies to distribute to students to take home.
Important Disclaimer
The following disclaimer must appear on the flyer: "This event/activity/program (choose one) is not sponsored by the Chula Vista Elementary School District. Approval to distribute flyer is a community service rather than an endorsement." Outside organizations will need to accept this disclaimer upon requesting approval from Peachjar.
Additional Peachjar Web Links