Black Learners Advisory Council (B-LAC)
Would you like to help create a strategic plan to support Black students, staff, and families within the Chula Vista Elementary School District? Join the newly developed B-LAC for our council meeting. Please see upcoming meeting dates and links to register in advance. General meetings are from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Vision and Values
We value and find strength in our diversity. Learning is meaningful and relevant, connected with each child's needs, ethics, culture, and experiences, and linked with the world outside the classroom.
Provide and monitor the ongoing support for Black/African American students and families in the Chula Vista Elementary School District to ensure unbiased practices/policies, equitable educational outcomes, and equal access to quality education.
Function as a district/school advisory group for Black/African American parents/guardians and their children to provide input for the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and participate in reviewing its effectiveness as it relates to the needs of Black/African American students.
Ensure the ongoing support and input for Black/African American students, families, cultural proficiency training, and awareness for all stakeholders through a process involving shared decision-making. Partnership, collaboration, and voice.
Click CVESD Black Learner Advisory Council for more information.