The Chula Vista Elementary School District (CVESD) is committed to fostering a collaborative environment where families, staff, and the community work together to support every child’s success. Guided by the shared vision of collaboration among families, staff, and the community, the district is launching a five-year academic plan called Rigorous Learning for All. This initiative represents a district-wide commitment to continuous improvement, with a strong focus on equity, excellence, and measurable student growth.
As part of this initiative, CVESD will continue to implement best teaching practices identified by the National Center for Urban School Transformation (NCUST) and align them with California state standards. These practices, coupled with the district’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals, will drive instructional transformation across all schools.
To achieve these goals, CVESD is adopting a comprehensive turnaround framework researched by WestEd, a nonpartisan, nonprofit agency dedicated to promoting excellence and equity in education. The framework focuses on four key domains: instructional transformation, turnaround leadership, high-quality professional learning, and culture shifts. Each domain is interdependent, requiring collective effort and collaboration at all levels of the organization.
Key actions under the Rigorous Learning for All initiative include the development of a School Turnaround Plan, customized support for school leaders, and ongoing professional learning opportunities for teachers. The district will also focus on removing barriers to high-level learning, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to succeed.
"Instructional leadership is at the heart of our efforts," said the CVESD Superintendent, Dr. Eduardo Reyes. "We are committed to revising and improving systems that inhibit instructional leadership, and to fostering a culture shift that prioritizes student learning above all else."
Looking ahead, CVESD will continue to collaborate with staff to build core actions within each domain, further develop a professional learning plan, and revisit teacher and leadership practices to ensure alignment with the initiative’s goals. The district will provide ongoing updates to the Board, site and district leaders, and teachers about the progress of this work.
The Rigorous Learning for All initiative is a call to action for the entire CVESD community. By working together, the district’s goal is to create an environment where all students can achieve excellence.